Boosting your immune system

Dr.Ratna Hiremath, Medical Officer, Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma

In this era of globalisation, the nonstop movement of humans and goods makes no country immune to the potential threat of epidemics.

Given the fact, there are no effective medicines available for viral diseases, preventive measures including control of the source of infection and early detection, cutting of transmission and protecting the susceptible population is paramount.

Why it has become more pandemic?
This newly discovered coronavirus is a mutated novel coronavirus. Due to antigenic mutation that made this coronavirus new to humans, the general population lacks immunity against the new strain. The older population and people with preexisting medical conditions like diabetes, heart diseases, and lung diseases are vulnerable.
How to prevent!
• Follow the government rule of social distancing, that’s the best way to cut down the community spread.
• Control the source of infection (it’s a droplet infection) by personal & hand hygiene. Practising good respiratory hygiene/ cough practices & maintaining oral health can prevent the infections.

Immune system boosters
Maintain a balanced diet, ensure adequate nutrition-

Choose easily digestible foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes. Choose vegetarian proteins like paneer and pulses to enhance immunity.
Cook with immune-boosting spices like Turmeric, cumin, black pepper, ginger, coriander seeds.
-Eat a moderate quantity of fresh fruits like pear, peach, apple, and plums. Pomegranates seed juice is an excellent booster of immunity.
-Leafy greens like kale, spinach, broccoli & moringa leaves have immune-enhancing nutrients anti-oxidants & flavonoids.
Whole grains like quinoa, amaranth, barley, and other millets provide cleansing fiber and many essential nutrients.
Quantity is the key, do not overeat. Sip boiled & cooled water regularly.
Foods that are processed, canned, and frozen/refrigerated, packaged should be avoided. Quit smoking & alcohol consumption.

Herbal support to enhance Immunity
Guduchi/ Amruth – Is one among the immune modulator, rejuvenates, and imparts strength to fight all sorts of infection.
Tulsi- Effectively protects the body from all viral/bacterial/fungal infections. Strengthen the lungs, respiratory system.
Turmeric- Purifies blood, antiseptic, eliminates toxins from the digestive tract.

Get adequate night sleep: Sleep deprivation has considerable impact on immune response and is vital part of the immune system.
Manage stress: Beat boredom, anxiety and increase creativity by doing Yogasanas, breathing exercise and mediation. Exercise regularly to boost immunity but don’t overstrain.
Stay safe, stay home: Ensure indoor ventilation, natural ventilation or use of exhaust fans for better fresh airflow.

Although these are uncertain times, implementing some of these holistic steps will boost the immune system. It will inevitably be a win-win situation for our health and well being.

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