Earth’s Biodiversity Faces Mass Extinction If Not Saved by 2030

The U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity recently drafted a plan of action needed to save Earth’s fragile biodiversity.

According to the plan, a number of goals on both a local and global level must be met by 2030 in order to prevent mass extinction.

The Convention previously set similar goals to be met by 2020, but the world was unsuccessful.

The 2030 goals include reducing carbon emission by 50 percent, establishing sustainable agricultural practices and curbing pollution from biocides and plastic wastes.

It also includes providing protected statuses to key biodiverse sites, as well as making sure all trade of wild species is lawful. If these goals are met by 2030, the next step would be the recovery of ecosystems across the globe by 2050. U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity

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