IRIS introduces future-tech solutions across Oman’s health sector

IRIS Health Services has given a headstart to Oman’s healthcare sector by introducing and implementing future-tech solutions ahead of the much-anticipated launch of the Unified Health Insurance policy.

These solutions will ensure faster and more efficient diagnostic procedures and claims settlements, higher levels of customer satisfaction, and better protection from fraud, waste, and abuse, according to a press release.

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The release added that in the last six months as a health insurance third-party administrator, IRIS has managed to integrate its proprietary and custom-built digital solutions across more than 100 medical services providers in Oman and trained more than 300 hospital, clinic and pharmacy staff to use the e-services, many of which use future technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

IRIS introduces future-tech solutions across Oman’s health sector
Anil Nair, CEO – IRIS Health

According to Anil Nair, CEO – IRIS Health Services, Insurance technologies are “where the present meets the future”. He adds, “At the micro-level, the best insure-tech solutions improve access to care and ensure quality, value-based care and wellbeing for Omani residents; at the macro-level, these advances and the associated benefits will boost confidence in and strengthen the nation’s health insurance sector.”

The digital solutions include electronic health cards, real-time eligibility checks, e-pharmacy lists and a Physicians Support Tool, benefiting everyone involved in the health insurance ecosystem from consumers to insurance companies to regulators and providers.

The Physicians Support Tool and training is currently being provided for free by IRIS as a goodwill gesture on its part. The tool is effective in allowing physicians to code diagnoses according to World Health Organization and other international standards at the touch of a button without the need for specialist coders or knowledge, the release stated.

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