Utility Bill Insurance Service is Now Available in the ‘Khedmah’ App

In line with its relentless aspirations to expand its portfolio of services and offer high-end solutions, Oman Investment & Finance Company ‘Khedmah’ signed an agreement with Dhofar Insurance Company to enable and collect utility bill insurance premiums for Dhofar Insurance Company. This agreement allows for ‘Khedmah’ app users to select the type of insurance they prefer, as well as the insurance amount, and gives access to the newly launched bill insurance service, which is entirely optional, and is aligned with the company’s efforts to enhance its overall customer experience, and ensure flexibility and ease of access.

It is worth mentioning that this service is easily accessible through the ‘Khedmah’ app, where customers can choose the type of insurance that best fits their needs, and pay the installments through the ‘Khedmah’ App. Once registered, users will receive a text message notifying them that their payment has been successfully collected, which will be followed by a call from Dhofar Insurance for information verification. The insurance amount can then be collected from Dhofar Insurance once and if the terms and conditions are met; all of which can be accessed through the app, by contacting the Khedmah call center on 24727272 or contacting Dhofar Insurance call center at 80007777 Once all the procedural paperwork is completed, customers’ bills will be covered and insured, if and when the terms are met. Due to its low prices, this service was designed with accessibility in minde, considering the various socioeconomic status, and to cover as many users as possible.

This very important step is one of many in Khedmah’s the long-standing relationship with Dhofar Insurance Company; working hand in hand to enhance the existing service portfolio offered in the ‘Khedmah’ App. The two companies have also previously signed for auto insurance collection services through the app, which comes in line with the OIFC’s strategy to add value to the lives of its mobile app users. Offering services that exceed collecting electricity, water, telecommunications and internet bills, recharging phone and electricity balances, the Khedmah app also provides entertainment channels recharge, collecting vehicle insurance amounts, subscriptions to the General Authority for Social Insurance, amongst other services.