Oman Post releases five turtle stamps to celebrate nation’s rich biodiversity


Oman Post has launched five stamps to celebrate the Sultanate’s rich biodiversity and honour the magnificent species that are turles. The stamps feature the hawksbill, Leatherback, Olive Ridley, Green, and Loggerhead turtles.

“The new colourful stamps depict five turtles found in habitat across Oman. We wanted to showcase that the Sultanate has a huge potential when it comes to marine turtle presence that is yet to be fully leveraged.
“Having the population of such intriguing species create unique opportunities for the development of a healthy ecotourism sector, but we all need to do our part and support the national agenda when it comes to conservation and collectively work toward the goal of saving these ancient creatures,” said Rashad Alwahaibi, Manager – Stamps & Philatelic at Oman Post.