Shift gears of your social media with these tools

Want your social media to go places? Here are the top 5 tools to do it.

There’s no denying the impact of social media on our lives. And for good reason with almost 3 billion users out there on the social media web. The question is whether you want to be just another one in the billion or truly one in a billion? The answer is to use the right tools that’ll make you or your brand stand out. And if you’re wondering how to go about it?

Here are the top 5 tools:


If you’re an Instagrammer, this is just the tool for you. Using complex algorithms and unique machine learning tools, this tool automates likes, comments or follows to a particular target audience or demographic. This helps your brand get the right exposure to your reach new users and followers.



When those tweets and comments come firing left, right and centre, this tool comes in really handy. It helps you get your act together by scheduling your posts, analyzing various platforms and managing your conversations all at once, in a single window. So, are you ready to buffer?


Add a sprinkle of this tool to your social media strategy. After all companies like Microsoft and SAP swear by it. It allows powerful business analytics and a range of marketing tools on a social media cloud that offers you real-time information of every platform.

Splice of life    

We know how big video content is on social media. In fact, 64% of consumers say that that watching a marketing video influenced their purchasing decision. So, if you’re looking for a video editing tool that’s not rocket science and lets you edit and add effects on-the-go, you’re definitely in for more engagement from your users.

Understanding the marketing funnel can be tricky, right? Not quite, thanks to this in-depth tool. It has one minimalist dashboard, which has all your advertising and digital marketing efforts in one place. Compare platforms and integrate with tools like Google Analytics to understand the ROI on your social media.

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