UAE Now Has Another Ride-Hailing App And it’s Called Wow

Wow ride hailing app
Image credit: Wow website

UAE residents now have one more ride-hailing app added to the mix with Wow Electronic Transport Services beginning operations last Saturday.  Wow joins Careem and Uber on the roads and will allow you to order a ride to and from the destination you choose.

The company received approvals from Dubai’s Road and Transport Authority to start operations in late January after having completed contractual requirements.

In a statement to local media sources, the company said that they would soon be out with a new e-hailing trend that will be available to everyone.

Wow – which has headquarters in the US, UK, and Dubai – is currently operating its services in France, the US (four cities), Pakistan, and now Dubai. The company also plans to expand its ride-hailing services across most of North and South America, Europe, Africa, South Asia and the Middle East in the future.

The Wow ride-hailing application has a variety of options, in both size and budgets, which include ‘Wow stretch limo, Wow ladies, Wow VIP, and others. Fare estimates can be found on the company’s website.

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