Understanding Gen Z

Understanding Gen Z

Gen Z – they are here!

It wasn’t long ago that we were trying to unravel the peculiarities and mannerisms of millennials. Now comes along Gen Z – which made the millennial look archaic in comparison.

A resurgent, connected and impatient new lot which are being added to the consuming class very soon as we speak.

As a marketer it is very important to start taking note of this generation, because they have the potential to form the most demanding, opinionated and well-informed customers that you would have ever come across. We will take a look at some factors which impacts their purchase behavior and how as marketers we can improve.

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also joking about being suicidal #nichememe #nichememes #tiktok #genz

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They are Savvy 

While this generation might still need some goading to go to school, they are on the ball when it comes to staying informed about subjects that piques their interest. Most of these Gen Zers have been found to comprehensively research products before they start pestering their parents to buy. They will head straight to YouTube or Google for information on anything that catches their attention. Even before going for a movie, they make sure to have seen the trailer several times over to convince themselves that they won’t be ‘bored’. SOBO – search online and buy offline is what they are all about.

So, what do we learn as marketers? Search will continue to dominate the effectiveness factor in any marketing campaign. All marketing plans need to include a robust search strategy to make sure all questions are solicited right at the moment when they are making up their mind to buy a product.

22 Things Gen Z Apparently Has Absolutely ZERO Clue About https://t.co/xASL6k6lvU

— BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) January 16, 2019

They love Gadgets

Toys are a thing for the past for these kids. They push for smartphones and wearable tech at a much younger age. Not only are they demanding, but are extremely comfortable using them. They are in a way ‘Digital Natives’. So, the messaging as marketers needs to be sharp, precise and memorable in order to sift through the trillions of messages hitting them each day and get into a consideration set.

They love personalisation 

While they may be a part of a larger, somewhat robotic and templatised generation, there is an inherent need for customization and wanting to have a say in how they can change things around them. This will have an implication on how marketing messages are crafted. Customer segmentation becomes all the more crucial in order to nail the messaging hierarchy.

They are here!

If you are a marketer who has managed to crack the ‘millennials’ conundrum, it might be worthwhile to spend some bandwidth to dissect Gen Z and be ready with some armaments as mentioned above, which take their quirks head on!

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